After Work mingel med F.A.S.!

Kom förbi oss på Sofo Popularities vid Nytorget och var först att kolla in Firas Al-Saffars nya kollektion som han presenterar själv i butiken!
Dryck, snacks o skön musik utlovas. Ta med dina vänner och kom förbi efter jobbet!


Justina, Firas och Johan

Info about F.A.S.
F.A.S. is a Swedish clothing label founded in 2013 by Firas Al-Saffar
At F.A.S. our ambition is to design clothing that attract conscious people, regardless of age and sex. Our intention is to create timeless garments combining Scandinavian minimalism and influences from Southern Europe.
We love fashion but we love responsible fashion even more. We believe that the creation, production, marketing and retailing of our collections should as far as possible be done with respect taken to values such as environmental sustainability, animal protection and fair trade.