Can one garment save the world? Easy Piece was born out of fashion frustration, when Runa Juhanisdotter decided to make a pattern of Easy Piece open source and invite people to a creative, experimental collaboration, investigating how fashion could be transformed. Easy Piece is beyond fashion and trends. Inclusive, honest and friendly. Based on one…
Välkomna på vernissage torsdag den 7/11 mellan 17-19! Elisabeth Brenner Remberg samlar på nät. Allt från plastnät runt förpackningar till härnät, höns- eller industrinät av skilda tätheter och storlekar. I sina nät fångar hon sedan allt överblivet material från lin, ull, fjädrar, band, cigarettpapper, tryckknappar och akupunkturnålar och överför dessa till ett motiv med ett…
Through Raw Projects, Emma Dahlqvist and Sanna Bodén investigate the possibilities of working with plant pigments for dyeing fabrics in a circular system by refining waste from local restaurants and industries. Everyday, food and waste is thrown away from restaurants, grocery stores and industries. Waste that could in fact serve as resources if, with the…