Etikett: L:A Bruket


    Butiken är redo för vår och SoFo-night! Ikväll har vi öppet till kl. 20.00 &  vid köp av L:a Bruket produkter över 500 kr får ni en tygväska på köpet. Välkomna!

  • How it all began

    Building on the principles of the design and ceramics, L:a Bruket founder Monica Kylén began exploring skincare out of necessity. As a trained ceramic artist, Monica was creating a line of homeware products and needed a wholesome, natural soap to demonstrate the funtionality of her design. Unable to find any that met her philosophy for…

  • About us

    L:A BRUKET is a skincare brand hailing from the western coast of Sweden. The strong relationship the people who call that place home have with nature, along with their traditions, inspired our range of products and treatments that use a combination of the best ingredients from nature to deliver the best results for your body…